Gprof Tutorial

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Gprof is a free and easy-to-use profiler.


Introduce tutorial structure, topic and speaker

Gprof Introduction + Pascal Example

Provide everything to run and make use of gprof.


1 {hidden begin |title = 1. What lanuages can gprof profile? }} {

Python, Java, Julia
C/C++, Fortran, Pascal
Haskell, Cobol, Brainfuck

2 {hidden begin |title = 2. How does gprof profiles an application? }} {

By instrumenting the application during compilation.
Through static analysis of the source code

3 {hidden begin |title = 3. What compiler flag is used to instrument the application? }} {


4 {hidden begin |title = How should the parameters be when running the instrumented application? }} {

Simple and understandable
Representative of the usual workload
Covering edge cases

Note: Exercises: no exercises in this section

C++ + Fortran Examples

Show gprof in real world examples and introduce call graph.

Quiz: no quiz in this section

Note: Exercises: no exercises in this section