Gprof Tutorial

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+ This is an #HPC.NRW course
HPC Courses
1. Introduction to Linux in HPC
2. Gprof Tutorial
3. OpenMP in Small Bites

Gprof is a free and easy-to-use profiler.

Gprof Introduction + Pascal Example


1. What lanuages can gprof profile?

Python, Java, Julia
C/C++, Fortran, Pascal
Haskell, Cobol, Brainfuck

2. How does gprof profiles an application?

By instrumenting the application during compilation.
Through static analysis of the source code

3. What compiler flag is used to instrument the application?


How should the parameters be when running the instrumented application?

Simple and understandable
Representative of the usual workload
Covering edge cases

C++ + Fortran Examples

Show gprof in real world examples and introduce call graph.