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#BSUB Usage

If you are writing a jobscript for an LSF batch system, the magic cookie is "#BSUB". To use it, start a new line in your script with "#BSUB". Following that, you can put one of the parameters shown below, where the word written in <...> should be replaced with a value.

Basic settings:

Parameter Function
-J <name> job name
-o <path> path to the file where the job output is written
-e <path> path to the file for the job error output (if not set, it will be written to output file as well)

Requesting resources:

Parameter Function Default
-W <runlimit> runtime limit in the format [hour:]minute; once the time specified is up, the job will be killed by the scheduler 00:15
-M <memlimit> memory limit per process in MB 512
-S <stacklimit> limit of stack size per process in MB 10

Parallel programming (read more here):

Parameter Function
-a openmp start a parallel job for a shared-memory system
-n <num_threads> number of threads to execute OpenMP application with
-a openmpi start a parallel job for a distributed-memory system
-n <num_procs> number of processes to execute MPI application with

Jobscript Examples

This serial job will run a given executable, in this case "myapp.exe".

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

### Job name

### File where the output should be written

### Time your job needs to execute, e. g. 1 h 20 min
#BSUB -W 1:20

### Memory your job needs, e. g. 1000 MB 
#BSUB -M 1000

### Stack limit per process, e. g. 20 MB
#BSUB -S 20

### The last part consists of regular shell commands:
### Change to working directory
cd /home/user/mywork

### Execute your application

This OpenMP job will start the parallel program "myapp.exe" with 24 threads.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

### Job name

### File where the output should be written

### Time your job needs to execute, e. g. 15 min
#BSUB -W 0:15

### Memory your job needs, e. g. 1000 MB 
#BSUB -M 1000

### Stack limit per process, e. g. 50 MB
#BSUB -S 50

### Request 24 compute slots (in this case: threads)
#BSUB -n 24

### Execute as shared-memory job
#BSUB -a openmp

### Change to working directory
cd /home/user/mywork

### Execute your application

This OpenMPI job will start the parallel program "myapp.exe" with 4 processes.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

### Job name

### File where the output should be written

### Time your job needs to execute, e. g. 30 min
#BSUB -W 0:30

### Memory your job needs, e. g. 1024 MB 
#BSUB -M 1024

### Stack limit per process, e. g. 50 MB
#BSUB -S 50

### Request 4 compute slots (in this case: processes)
#BSUB -n 4

### Execute as distributed-memory job with OpenMPI
#BSUB -a openmpi

### Change to working directory
cd /home/user/mywork

### Execute your application


More jobscript examples