Introduction to Linux in HPC/SSH Connections

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Introduction to Linux in HPC/SSH Connections /
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SSH Einloggen Slides 3 - 40 (38 pages)

Slide Layout

   page 2: 
       HPC users use SSH to login 
       What is SSH 
       What is OpenSSH 
   page 3: 
       Encryption: plaintext <--> ciphertext 
       Caesar cipher 
       Alice, Bob and Charlie 
   page 4: 
       Symmetric encryption: use the same key for both encryption and decryption 
       Major problem: how to share the key without interception 
   page 5: 
       Asymmetric encryption: use private/public key pair 
       Example: Alice <--> Bob 
   page 6: 
       Example: ? <--> Bob 
       Solution: digital signature 
   page 7: 
       What is digital signature 
       Example: Alice <--> Bob
   page 8: 
       OpenSSH contains a suite of utilities 
       OpenSSH is also available on Windows 
       There are other SSH clients on Windows 
   page 9: 
       Overview of best practices for SSH login 
   page 10: 
       Overview of best practices for SSH login