HPC Wiki
Welcome to the HPC Wiki the source for site-independent High Performance Computing Information.
<<-- On the left hand there are different target groups with their respective material.
Target Groups
- Basics: Covering the basics for users with not prior HPC experience.
- HPC-User: Covering topics for users of existing HPC software on HPC systems, including batch systems and third-party simulation software.
- HPC-Developer: Covering topics for users developing HPC software on HPC systems, including programming paradigms, compilers and runtime systems.
- HPC-Admin: Covering topics for administrators of HPC systems.
Getting_Started is a basic guide for first-time users. It covers a wide range of topics from access and login to system-independant concepts of Unix systems to data transfers. All articles in the Basics Section are written for inexperienced users and explain concepts in an easy-to-understand way.
Similar articles in the Users and Developer Section are planned, but not yet finished.
Look into the FAQs to see tips and instructions on How-to-Contribute to this wiki.
Upcoming HPC Events (Source: HPC Calendar of the Gauss-Alliance)

General: How-to-Contribute
Basics/HPC-User: make, cmake, ssh_keys, compiler, Modules, vim, screen/tmux, ssh python/pip, scp, rsync, git, shell, chmod, tar, sh-file, NUMA
HPC-Dev: Load_Balancing, Performance Engineering, correctness checking
Performance Tools: measurement tools, Likwid, Vampir, Score-P
Debugging and Correctness Tools: MUST, Compiler Sanitizers, Totalview
Software, Access, Site-specific_documentation, measurement-tools, likwid