OpenMP in Small Bites/False Sharing

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OpenMP in Small Bites/False Sharing /
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Title: OpenMP in Small Bites
Provider: HPC.NRW

Type: Multi-part video
Topic Area: Programming Paradigms
License: CC-BY-SA

1. Overview
2. Worksharing
3. Data Scoping
4. False Sharing
5. Tasking
6. Tasking and Data Scoping
7. Tasking and Synchronization
8. Loops and Tasks
9. Tasking Example: Sudoku Solver
10. Task Scheduling
11. Non-Uniform Memory Access



1. What causes the introduction of caches in parallel architectures?

Caches can decrease the performance gap between the cores and the memory.
Caches can be used to accelerate the computation in the cores for parallel programs
Since higher clock frequencies would cause to much heat on the chip, caches are the only way to accelerate the core.

2. Why is false sharing a problem in OpenMP programs?

Correctness: The parallel program will deliver non-deterministic results.
Performance: The scalabilty of a parallel program might suffer significantly.
Compiler: The compiler cannot generate optimal code.

3. What might cause a false sharing effect?

Two different memory adresses on the some cache line are accessed by different threads.
Two different memory adresses on different cache lines are accessed by the same thread.
One memory address is accessed by different threads.