Introduction to Linux in HPC/The Command Line

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Introduction to Linux in HPC/The Command Line /
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Linux Introduction Slides 25 - 31 (7 pages)


Which keys can be used for command history?

up- and down-arrow keys
Page-up and Page-down keys

Info:  Working directory in console reminds user, where they are. (page 27)

Warning:  In command line user may forget where they are. (page 26)
Child processes may stop, if parent shell exits. (page 26)

Exercises in Terminal

1. What's your username on a Linux computer?
  There are two ways to find your username on a Linux computer 
2. What's the hostname of a Linux computer?
  There are two ways to find the hostname on a Linux computer.
3. What's your current working directory on a Linux computer?
   There are two ways to find your current working directory on a Linux computer.
4.  Use up- and down- (↑ and ↓) arrow keys to see the command history.
5.  Run sleep 1h command and wait, then use Ctrl-C to kill it.