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If you are writing a jobscript for a SLURM batch system, the magic cookie is "#SBATCH". To use it, start a new line in your script with "#SBATCH". Following that, you can put one of the parameters shown below, where the word written in <...> should be replaced with a value.

Basic settings:

Parameter Function
--job-name=<name> job name
--output=<path> path to the file where the job (error) output is written

Requesting resources:

Parameter Function
--time=<runlimit> runtime limit in the format hours:min:sec; once the time specified is up, the job will be killed by the scheduler
--mem=<memlimit> job memory request, e. g. 1gb

Parallel programming (read more here):

Settings for OpenMP:

Parameter Function
--nodes=1 start a parallel job for a shared-memory system on only one node
--cpus-per-task=<num_threads> number of threads to execute OpenMP application with
--ntasks-per-core=<num_hyperthreads> number of hyperthreads per core; i. e. any value greater than 1 will

turn on hyperthreading. The possible maximum depends on your CPU.

--ntasks-per-node=1 for OpenMP, use 1 task per node only

Settings for MPI:

Parameter Function
--nodes=1 start a parallel job for a shared-memory system on only one node
--cpus-per-task=<num_threads> number of threads to execute OpenMP application with


SLURM sbatch documentation