Introduction to Linux in HPC/The vim text editor

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Linux Introduction Slides 91 - 99 (9 pages)

Slide Layout

   page 1: 
       vi and vim are terminal based text editors.
       Advantages vs. disadvantages
   page 2 - 6: 
           normal mode -> insert mode
           insert mode -> normal mode
           normal mode -> command mode
           command mode -> normal mode
   page 7: 
       arrow keys or h, j, k, l for navigation
       quit with/without saving
       search for text
   page 8: 
       If you forget which mode you are in, keep pressing Esc.
       You may need a lot of time to learn vim.
   page 9:
       Knowing vim basics is important for Linux users.
       However there are also many GUI-based text editors.


1. How to enter the insert mode of vim?

press enter key
press i key
press Esc key

2. How would you open a file in read-only mode using the vim editor?
Hint: In terminal man vim

Click and submit to see the answer

Info:  If you forget which mode you are in while using vim, just keep pressing Esc.

Warning:  no warnings in this section

Exercises in Terminal (slide 100)

1.  Create a vim file and write some text in it with insert (pressing i) and than undo and redo the changes.