OpenMP in Small Bites/NUMA

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Title: OpenMP in Small Bites
Provider: HPC.NRW

Type: Multi-part video
Topic Area: Programming Paradigms
License: CC-BY-SA

1. Overview
2. Worksharing
3. Data Scoping
4. False Sharing
5. Tasking
6. Tasking and Data Scoping
7. Tasking and Synchronization
8. Loops and Tasks
9. Tasking Example: Sudoku Solver
10. Task Scheduling
11. Non-Uniform Memory Access



1. Why is it important to initialize your data in parallel when executing on a NUMA architecture?

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2. Why is it important to bind the threads?

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3. Given a NUMA architecture with to two sockets with six cores each: How can you place the threads of an OpenMP program running with 4 threads among both sockets and bind them to a core?

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