Introduction to Linux in HPC/Users and permissions

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Other HPC Courses
1. Gprof Tutorial
2. OpenMP in Small Bites
Introduction to Linux in HPC
1. Background and History
2. The Command Line
3. Directory structure
4. Files
5. Text display and search
6. Users and permissions
7. Processes
8. The vim text editor
9. Shell scripting
10. Environment variables
11. System configuration
12. SSH Connections
13. SSH: Graphics and File Transfer
14. Various tips



Which command can prevent other users not in your group from writing to input.dat?

chmod u-w input.dat
chmod o-w input.dat
chmod g-w input.dat

Exercises in Terminal (slide 89)

1. Create an empty file, make it read-only, make it executable.
2. Start a process (e.g. sleep 10m)
3. Start a process, bring it into background/foreground.

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