GPU Computing (OpenMP)

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GPU Tutorial/Open MP
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Title: Introduction to GPU Computing
Provider: HPC.NRW

Type: Multi-part video
Topic Area: GPU computing
License: CC-BY-SA

1. Introduction
2. Several Ways to SAXPY: CUDA C/C++
3. Several Ways to SAXPY: OpenMP
4. Several Ways to SAXPY: Julia
5. Several Ways to SAXPY: NUMBA

This video discusses the SAXPY via OpenMP GPU offloading. OpenMP 4.0 and later enables developers to program GPUs in C/C++ and Fortran by means of OpenMP directives. In this tutorial we present the basic OpenMP syntax for GPU offloading and give a step-by-step guide for implementing SAXPY with it.


(Slides as pdf)


1. Which one of the following OpenMP directives can create a target region on GPU?

#pragma omp target gpu
#pragma omp target acc
#pragma omp target

2. The OpenMP `map(to:...)` clause maps variables:

from host to device data environment before execution
from host to device data environment after execution
from device to host data environment before execution
from device to host data environment after execution

3. Which one of the following OpenMP directives can initialize a league of teams for execution on GPU?

#pragma omp init teams
#pragma omp teams
#pragma omp gpu teams

4. Which one of the following OpenMP directives can distribute iterations of for-loop across GPU threads in the teams?

#pragma omp distribute for
#pragma omp parallel for
#pragma omp distribute parallel for