Intel VTune Tutorial: Introduction

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Intel VTune Tutorial/Introduction
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Title: Intel VTune Tutorial
Provider: HPC.NRW

Type: Multi-part video
Topic Area: Performance analysis
License: CC-BY-SA

1. Introduction
2. CPU Architecture
3. Analysis Types
4. Useful Tips

The first tutorial video is introducing the Intel VTune profiler. It covers questions of what it is and how it works. The video ends with an example of how to run a first analysis with the "performance snapshot" type.


(Slides as pdf)


1. What does a profiler do?

Producing pretty screenshots of source code for presentations
Improving the performance of a program
Provides insight into an application

2. What does the Performance Snapshot analysis type do?

Use first measurements to recommend which analysis types should be considered next
Provide an in-depth performance analysis with detailed results
Automatically run a shorter version of an existing application

3. What does event based sampling refer to??

In-depth instrumentation of an application during compilation to send performance "events" to the analysis application
Performance analysis of an application by analysing the user input events
Regular sampling of performance counters during program execution

4. Do you always need the kernel module to profile with Intel VTune?

Yes, there is no other way for VTune to access the hardware performance counters
No, VTune can use "Linux perf" or the less detailed "user sampling" mode
No, VTune can always access performance counters

5. How do you start Intel VTune? (Assuming a working installation)

By typing intelvtune in the commandline
vtune-gui will always work
vtune-gui, after the environment was set up with a source script or through module load (depends on installation)