Git Tutorial: Branching

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Title: Git Tutorials
Provider: HPC.NRW

Type: Online
Topic Area: Revision control
License: CC-BY-SA

1. Basic Git overview
2. Creating and Changing Repositories
3. Branching

Branching is an important feature of Git, which enables simultaneous work on different parts of a code with minimal interference between acting parties. As the name implies, branching refers to the creation of a separate line of repository tracking that branches of from your "main" repository (also called a branch, but can be understood as the trunk). When developing new features you do not necessarily want to directly commit your changes to "main", because they might interfere with your colleagues contribution of other features on a different branch. Even when differences do not directly interfere, they can still lead to a more cumbersome merge of both branches into "main", once all changes are complete. In larger projects this merge ing into the "main" branch is often blocked for most users. A so-called pull request must be made, so that a responsible person can pull your changes from your branch into "main". To view all existing branches use the git branch --list command:

1user@HPC.NRW:~$ git branch --list
2* main

We can see that currently the project contains only one branch called "main" (line 2). The "*" next to it is used to mark our current branch.

Handling Branches

Creating a new branch is as easy as entering git branch <name of branch>:

1user@HPC.NRW:~$ git branch branchingTut
2user@HPC.NRW:~$ git branch --list
3  branchingTut
4* main
5user@HPC.NRW:~$ git branch -a
6  branchingTut
7* main
8  remotes/origin/main

In above example we can see that creating a new branch does not imply switching to it (the "*" is still next to "main"). Further, displaying all local and remote branches through git branch -a, we see that the new branch does only exist locally and not in the remote repository unlike "main" (line 8). The new branch will be identical to the last commit of the current branch, in our case "main".

To switch to a different branch we use git checkout <name of branch>:

1user@HPC.NRW:~$ git checkout branchingTut
2M	someFile
3Switched to branch 'branchingTut'
4user@HPC.NRW:~$ git branch -a
5* branchingTut
6  main
7  remotes/origin/main

Line 2 informs us about a Modified file named "someFile". This can happen if we make changes to our repository (like Adding or Modifying files), but do not commit them before switching the branch. Naturally, this also happens when we want to switch to a branch with different contents than in hour current branch. Keep in mind that a git checkout <name of branch> is not like a git clone operation and therefore does not make a full copy of a different code branch. Instead, it tracks the commit history of the chosen branch and reproduces the changes in your repository. Any modifications you commit now will be added to that branch.

Remote Branches

If others are supposed to have access to our branch (or we want to have access from different locations), we need to make sure that it also exists in the remote repository by entering git push <name of remote repository> <name of branch>:

 1user@HPC.NRW:~$ git push origin branchingTut
 2Username for '': HPC.NRW-User
 3Password for '': ********
 4#Enumerating objects: 15, done.
 5Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.
 6Delta compression using up to 12 threads
 7Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
 8Writing objects: 100% (13/13), 42.00 KiB | 10.50 MiB/s, done.
 9Total 13 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0)
10remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), completed with 1 local object.
12remote: Create a pull request for 'branchingTut' on GitHub by visiting:
16 * [new branch]      branchingTut -> branchingTut
18user@HPC.NRW:~$ git branch -a
19* branchingTut
20  main
21  remotes/origin/branchingTut
22  remotes/origin/main

This is very similar to the previous push operations with the only difference being that instead of the "main" branch in the remote repository, we will be using the "branchingTut" branch. As this branch did not exist yet, it will be created for us. In lines 18 to 22 we can see all existing branches including the newly created remote branch.

A remote checkout works the same way a local checkout does. The main difference is that your local repository might not be up to date with remote branch information, which is why we might miss updates on existing branches (as well as respective git log data). Below, you can see Git output for a user who cloned our repository after the first tutorial, but before branching was introduced:

1otherUser@HPC.NRW:~$ git branch -a
2* main
3  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
4  remotes/origin/main

In order to see the newest changes in the remote repository, they need to use the fetch command:

 1otherUser@HPC.NRW:~$ git fetch
 2Username for '': HPC.NRW-otherUser
 3Password for '': 
 4remote: Enumerating objects: 15, done.
 5remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.
 6remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
 7remote: Total 13 (delta 6), reused 13 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
 8Unpacking objects: 100% (13/13), done.
10 * [new branch]      branchingTut -> origin/branchingTut
12otherUser@HPC.NRW:~$ git branch -a
13* main
14  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
15  remotes/origin/branchingTut
16  remotes/origin/main

Line 10 informs them that a new branch exists in the remote repository. Lines 12 to 16 show that they can see the "branchingTut" branch, however, they still do not have a local version of it. Using git checkout <name of remote branch> they can then create a local branch based on the remote one.

Best Practices


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